Rags to Riches

The world lost an iconic legend last week when Tony Bennett passed away at 96.  Tony Bennett captivated the nation, most notably a young Frank Sinatra, who famously claimed in a Life magazine article that “for my money, Tony Bennett is the best singer in the business.”  Speaking of money, Tony Bennett represented everything good about successful investing.  He was innovative, with an incredible knack for re-creating himself time and time again.  He thought long-term, achieving 19 Grammys, with 17 of them coming after he reached his 60’s.  He was frugal, as he and his manager son mapped his 200 appearances a year to perfection.  From Ray Charles to Lady Gaga, he was diverse and willing to take a little risk.  Cheers to a national treasure.


“Open your eyes, look within.  Are you satisfied with the life you’re living?”
-Bob Marley

“The lack of money is the root of all evil”
-Mark Twain

“Success is the ability—to go from failure to failure—without losing your enthusiasm.”
-Winston Churchill

“It’s what you do in the present that will redeem the past and thereby change the future.”
-Paulo Coelho

Inspiration Archive


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