Mint Equals Money

mint logoMINT is an online financial tool that allows you to put all your finances into one place. I was referred to the site from a friend and while being skeptical at first, I decided to do the research and give it a try.  I was amazed at how easy and secure the site was. It took only minutes to sign up and quickly linked all my bank accounts, credit cards, student loans, mortgage, and investments together in one place.

When you log in all you need is your username and password for each of the sites you use and it easily links itself. By the time I had set everything up all I saw was red. Not a good sign mind you. As I began to investigate I saw exactly where and what I was spending my money on. Here is where I overspent this month…groceries, alcohol, shopping, and restaurants—the typical indulgences.

Although I think the whole site is beneficial the most important part is the budget section. I went through and determined what I needed/wanted to spend part of my paycheck on each month. I then pick an appropriate budget based on my needs and wants for each different category. I wanted to take my student loans, gym membership, and rent/mortgage for into account for each month. Since those are some more stable payments, I could then evaluate how much money I had left over and allocate that to groceries, alcohol/entertainment, and dining out. I wanted to make sure I had enough money left over for utilities, emergencies, and potential necessary purchases (our washer broke last month so we needed money for that). I can now see where I need to reduce spending and where my funds go each month.

Due to the simplicity of this site, I don’t see why everyone does not have it. It will link to your bank, your loans, your credit cards and show you exactly where your money is going. This is what being a DINC is all about. Budgeting your money, cutting out expenses, and saving money. If you are interested in one day becoming a DINC or are already one, sign up for MINT. See how much extra money you are saving each month and come to us and we will help you find the right investment for your needs. The best part of MINT is that once you decide to become a DINC your investments are also linked to your MINT account. So you will literally have all your financial needs in one place. This is such a great tool and I use personally now on a daily basis. Visit to get started today! Become a DINC with MINT!


“Open your eyes, look within.  Are you satisfied with the life you’re living?”
-Bob Marley

“The lack of money is the root of all evil”
-Mark Twain

“Success is the ability—to go from failure to failure—without losing your enthusiasm.”
-Winston Churchill

“It’s what you do in the present that will redeem the past and thereby change the future.”
-Paulo Coelho

Inspiration Archive


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Projections and forward-looking statements regarding estimated investment outcomes are based on assumptions that we believe are reasonable at this time. However, actual results may vary materially from stated expectations, and we make no guarantees of the future performance of an investment in our accounts described on this website. The performance results do not reflect the deduction of other fees or expenses a client may incur in the management of such client’s investment advisory account. A client’s return with respect to an investment would be reduced by any fees or expenses a client may incur in the management of its investment advisory account. Please contact us to learn more about our fees. Past performance is not a guarantee of future results.

All comments contained herein are for informational purposes only and should not be considered as a solicitation to buy or sell any security. No advice may be rendered by Leigh Baldwin & CO., LLC unless a client management agreement is in place. The firm does not guarantee the accuracy or completeness of the information or make any warranties regarding results from its usage.