Thanksgiving is a great time to see family and friends and discuss what you are thankful for in your life. After you talk about how “great your life is” and “nothing is more important than family” you start to prepare for the real kick off to the holiday season… Black Friday. All those emotions and fake tears about the goodness of giving seem to disappear and coupons and credit card limits become our main priority. If you have never gone Black Friday shopping, you really don’t know what you are missing. Some people just go for the experience. Others go from the guilt of all the eating the night before; you have to find some way to work it off. But most go for the deals, the door busters, the bargains…you get the point.
Now it’s probably quite obvious that us DINC members LOVE BLACK FRIDAY! So as to not to bore you, I won’t go into all the details of how you can save money because it’s quite obvious I mean they literally created a shopping day for people to save money. What I want to point out is the importance of sucking it up, getting off the couch and joining the crazies out there in the “black market”. Really, really hate the idea of being stuck in crowds and overwhelmed but an abundance of people? I know just the thing for you! It’s called CYBER MONDAY! All you have to do is sit on your couch, eat leftover turkey, click with one finger, and shop! They have amazing deals and most of the stores have free shipping.
This season, get a jump start on your holiday shopping, get out on Black Friday and enjoy the rush. If your too lazy don’t worry, you can try again on Monday. Whatever you choose, save some cash and some time and get ready for the crazy holiday season ahead.