All Summer Long

As college students return home and high school students are released for summer vacation it is almost officially summer. With that said the air begins to smell like barbecues and bonfires. With these parties come expenses.  It is time for us DINC’s to be smart with the way we spend our money today in order to save for the future. As Kid Rock Sings “And we were trying different things, we were saving funny things” or something like that. Us DINC’s should follow Kid Rocks song and save in different ways.

lake placid signAs you begin to plan that summer vacation with your friends from college, high school, work or that person you met yesterday at a bar and thought was cute think north rather than south. The Adirondacks are a cheap alternative than renting a house in the south on the ocean or at a tourist destination. The Adirondacks are filled with free activities like hiking, canoeing, swimming, and touring the 1932 and 1980 Olympic stadiums.

Barbecues are always fun on a nice summer night. To limit yourself from extra expenses, stick to the basics, hot dogs and hamburgers. Try to avoid the more expensive barbecues with steak and fish.

Everyone loves ice cream on a hot summer night. The best way to save money is to buy ice cream in large quantities that will last a while instead of going out for ice cream every night. If you are going to go out for ice cream then try and carpool with friends to save money.

The last tip for the summer season: be prepared. No matter where you are going this summer try and save money by bringing what you need. If you are on your way to the beach bring the essentials like sunscreen, drinks, snacks etc. The more you bring the less you have to buy and buying goods at the beach is expensive. The movies are another place where the price can sky rocket if you are not prepared. When going to the theater put a candy bar in your pocket and a water bottle in the other. Avoid the concession stand; the prices are outrageous.

Now all of you DINCs get out there and enjoy summer and save at the same time. Its time to sing, “Sweet Home Alabama all summer long”


“Open your eyes, look within.  Are you satisfied with the life you’re living?”
-Bob Marley

“The lack of money is the root of all evil”
-Mark Twain

“Success is the ability—to go from failure to failure—without losing your enthusiasm.”
-Winston Churchill

“It’s what you do in the present that will redeem the past and thereby change the future.”
-Paulo Coelho

Inspiration Archive


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