Give Your Best Every Time

We say- each and every day, all days start on their own. My father being an avid golfer used to tell me “Son, you are only as good as the day you tee it up. Past performances are nice, but what have you got for me today.”  My brothers and I used to think that was a bit harsh, yet it had a solid element of truth to it.

Godin adds: “After you’ve done your best work, and its still not enough… after you’ve written the best memo/blog post/novel/screenplay you can possibly imagine writing… after you’ve contributed your pithiest insight or gone on your best blind date…and it still hasn’t worked…You really have no choice,  but to do it again. To do your best work again, as impossible and unfair as that seems.

It compounds over time. Best work followed by best work followed by more best work, is far more useful and generous, than merely doing your best work once and insisting we understand you.”

Now understand, that you might not be at your best, each and every day (that’s impossible). To TRY, is what’s most important. And that is also, how improvement happens.

A beginning jogger starts out running 10 minute miles and quickly improves to 9.5 then 9,8,7. At some point she levels off, and can’t always beat the previous days efforts. Just some days are better, and some are worse than others.

The key though– is to always TRY to give it your best.


“Open your eyes, look within.  Are you satisfied with the life you’re living?”
-Bob Marley

“The lack of money is the root of all evil”
-Mark Twain

“Success is the ability—to go from failure to failure—without losing your enthusiasm.”
-Winston Churchill

“It’s what you do in the present that will redeem the past and thereby change the future.”
-Paulo Coelho

Inspiration Archive


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