Day 95: So for the past two days I have brought lunch to work. I try to bring my lunch at least two times a week but I tend to eat out when I’m really busy at work. We usually eat out on Fridays and occasionally I’ll forget my lunch and have to go out. We never get anything too fancy so I’ll usually spend anywhere between $5 and $10. So since I have brought lunch the past two days and successfully not bought a cup of coffee on the way into work…I am putting $20 away into the fund (go me!).
Let’s say for the next 95 days I bring lunch every day to work. Let’s say an average lunch costs $7 and I eat out about three times a week. For the next 14 weeks if I brought lunch every week I would save $294! (Here’s the math for those of you who need it 3*$7=21: $21*14=$294). That doesn’t seem like a lot but $300 will just about cover my flight to New Zealand while I’m there. Therefore I will be brown bagging my lunch until I leave for Australia.
Couple tips I have learned since the switch:
- Make your lunch the night before otherwise you are just grabbing whatever you can reach in the fridge in the morning and it’s not always the best option.
- Make extra food at dinner so you can just wrap up the leftovers and take them for lunch.
- Bring in boxes of snacks and have a snack drawer at work. Also helps with those afternoon hunger strikes and chocolate cravings.
- Make a list before you go to the grocery store and never shop on an empty stomach. That way you will always buy just the right amount and be less likely to not over spend.
So at the end of my first week I’m only $20 closer but by switching lifestyles to be a bit more accommodating I’ll be able to save more in the future. #Australia2014 #Day95 #onlyonebrokegirl